Thanks to Jordon Cooper's work, he's let us know, Resonate is back online with a new look and feel and the website is now powered by WordPress. You can check out what Resonate is up to as a community, find out information about church planting, and also a listing of some of the emerging churches across the country. The RSS feed and Twitter account is also working.
And with some more Canadian content, Bill Hogg over in Belles Bistro in South Surrey joins others in a conversation about the New Exodus...
from Kindlings Muse Canada West, Why are Canadian young people leaving the church? Why are young adults disconnecting from their childhood and adolescent faith? What can we do to address this? Listen in as your irrepressible host Bill Hogg ignites the conversation with our lively panelists: Trinity, Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn. Better known as Kindlings regular Dr Allyson Jule Co-director of the Gender Studies Institute @ Trinity Western; Marv Penner the Yoda of Canadian Youth Ministry. Marv the executive director of All About Youth, Director of Youth Specialties Canada, and oversees the Canadian Center for Adolescent Research. Andy Harrington rounds out our panel; he is Executive Director of Greater Vancouver YFC/Youth Unlimited. He has a passion for social justice and a heart to see young lives transformed by the power of God.
You can listen to the podcast ... HERE .
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